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7. church picture baptism 21-jan.jpg


In March 2019 Pastor John-William was sent with his family to begin a church planting work in Aberdeen. This was a work that started without any fixed people, building or money, but a small group of people soon committed to supporting this work which involved reaching the area of Hilton and Woodside with invitations to church services which began in the Hilton Community Centre in April of that year. In the weeks that followed, the church continued to gather and evangelise and by the summer there were six people coming into membership on the day that the church constituted.



The church was grounded on a very clear doctrinal basis, as a Reformed Baptist Church, and a small number of people were added to the church by the end of their first year of gathering. During 2020 and into 2021, the church faced many challenges as a result of the Covid outbreak and government restrictions as they sought to faithfully gather to worship God and reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. This included the church gathering in the park, at the beach and in homes before a return to their rented premises where they saw significant growth of church attenders and members being added in 2021. In addition to this, the Lord provided the opportunity for the church to purchase a building, and following much generous giving the building became theirs in November of that year.

The church has also been heavily involved in setting up the first Christian school in this part of Scotland.


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